Friday Fav’s

6 Jul

I don’t always eat hot dogs… But when I do it is summertime and they are actually sausages…

Lazy sundays are the best

Mark jokingly said to bring two checks because he didn’t want to pay for me… and the waitress believed him…. shoot.

Boys who love “Amurica” are the best.

Happy Fourth of July!



Family Fair

3 Jul

This past weekend Mark had a booth at a Family Fair in Ripon. It was such a blast to see people check out the things he has been working on and appreciate his creativity.

They made a mistake and put that “Mark and Andrea Ziesel” were going to be there but they should have known that there is absolutely no way I could make any of that stuff. I manned the printer and tied the price tags on. And did a darn good job!

Anyway, Mark did a great job setting everything up and people seemed to love his craftsmanship.

Sweet booth space.

So many fun things!


2 Jul

Last week my computer got the blue screen of death. I was seriously thinking that I had enough of a break from my blog and was itching a bit to get back at it. And then… duh, duh, duh! (Insert ominous music) My computer just totally craped out.

And because it is about 7 or 8 years old I really don’t want to put too much effort in getting it up again. I mean come on; I have probably had at least 6 phones in that amount of time. I really think it is just time for the ‘ol ThinkPad to retire and for me to get a slick new Mac. Probably not going to happen, but in the meantime I can steal Mark’s once in a while.

Which is stupid but not really why I titled this post stupid. That was more just to explain my extended absence from writing any blog posts. Loosely related by also stupid:

The treasures available from the Sunday paper…

I am pretty sure the best part is that it already has the option checked to “Please rush me” the Meekrat Solar Lights. How did they know I need this immediately?

Summer BBQ

25 Jun

Nothing feels like summer more than a poolside BBQ. Even the insanely hot days we had a week or so ago do not define  this season as much the Weber does. Nights like these are the best. On top of a delicious meal, BBQ also means I am not the one who has to cook it – not even with minimal interaction with the crock pot.

Mark whipped up a delicious meal to wrap up our lazy weekend; tasty burgers topped with bell pepper and avocado plus fresh corn on the cob. Now it really feels like summer!

Friends & Wine

11 Jun

This past weekend one of my good friends made it up to Northern California for a visit. After days of posting funny high school pictures on Facebook, Heather and her husband Chris came to visit Ripon and then continue on to Oregon to see our friend Amanda. We figured what better activity than a little Lodi wine tasting. We had such a blast and are so glad they came to visit – now to plan our visit down south! 🙂

We had so much fun with these two!

This is blurry, but we found this water called “Wat-ahh!” It was awesome!